God’s Love- Our Shelter!
Keep yourself in the love of God!
God’s love is not a feeling though it elicits the most holy desires in men
The love of God can be measured as the circumference of the finished work of Christ
It is a demonstration of the father’s heart, his slant and his way of thinking as clearly portrayed in our redemption
It is the boundary of the blood that speaks better things
And those “better things” clearly outlined in the word prevail over everything we may face in this world
So what do you if you are feeling weak?…..pray in the holy ghost for that is how to lay hold of the strength within to overcome the weakness without
What if you are dealing with a bad habit?……still pray in the holy ghost for by so doing you become conscious of the engrafted word that enables you to walk in your liberty
What if you are under heavy condemnation due to wrong living?……..pray much in the holy ghost . The love of God will embolden your mind with divine assurance casting out fear. And you will be enabled to walk free of condemnation and a sinful lifestyle
Even when challenges rise up on every side trying to hem you in ….as you pray in the holy ghost, the victory of Christ which is part of your most holy faith will put you over at all times
There will never be a time or situation where or where praying this way will not be legitimate
” But ye beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith,praying in the holy ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God…Jude 20-21
The active words are “praying” and ” building
Both are in the present continuous tense
That is ;
You who are not ruled by the senses but governed by the Spirit
You who has been led out of the flesh into the Spirit
You who has the Spirit as an indwelling and abiding reality
You who is an embodiment of the victory that overcomes the world
You dear saint are to build up and keep building up yourself on that divine foundation of victory which is your most holy faith
This is how to consciously keep yourself within the boundaries of God’s love……by praying always in the holy ghost
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