Of divine appointments and natural relationships!
Jesus went to be baptised by John in the river Jordan
Here we see a divine drama play out to school us in the nature and character of God
John was his older cousin in the natural and had been in the ministry before him
But spiritually Jesus was John’s maker and the one who called him to ministry. He was God in the flesh
John knew who Jesus was by revelation
Infact he was the only prophet of the old testament to see it and announce it
He didn’t relate with him as an older brother to a younger one but as a servant to his master
He related with Jesus based on the revelation of the scriptures
He told Jesus ” how can you come to me to be baptised when am the one needing your baptism” Matthew 3:13-15 paraphrased)
Jesus said to him ” allow it ito be so for now in order that the scriptures may be fulfilled”
The younger in the natural was above the older one spiritually
Both knew it
Yet the one who was above submitted to the one who was beneath in order for the scriptures to be fulfilled
Showing us very clearly that there is no iota of pride in the holy one
We are to be careful that we don’t overstretch the boundaries of natural relationships when it comes to handling spiritual realities
Natural relationships are important and very necessary but limited in what they can offer spiritually
Spiritual relationships are of higher import and significance
Though Mary was Jesus’s mother in the natural, he was spiritually her lord and saviour
We see her in following the instructions of the lord who was her son in the natural by assembling with other saints in Acts 1
David was the last born of his father but all his siblings including the father had to bow to him as king
As a wife there are things you can receive from your husband as your lover which is quite different from what you can receive from him as a servant of God
This also applies vice versa
Know the difference and learn how to navigate between these separate realities and all shall be well
August 15, 2023 11:38 amAmen
Thank you Reverend Sir. This is well received