We Ask Because We Know!

We Ask Because We Know!

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us..1John 5:14

Many times we get stuck with the construction of a verse like this one above

As a result it will appear to be saying one thing while meaning another

Reading the same verse in congruence with the context of the passage and other passages of scripture will clear up any misconceptions

See it this way

Our confidence in ASKING Is KNOWING it is his will to hear us

What is his will?….it is to hear us hence we pray

In other words we are to know before we ask that it is his will to hear us

It is that knowing that should prompt our asking

Note what he is not saying

He is not saying God answers only when we ask according to his will and if we don’t know his will he may not answer


If that were the case, the next verse won’t make sense

See the next verse

” And if we KNOW that he hears us, WHATSOEVER we ask, we KNOW that we have the petitions we desired of him”

Again we see how often the word KNOW is emphasized as a necessary ingredient to asking

If the wil of God referred to here is something specific that we have to first find out then saying whatsoever we ask won’t make sense

The word ” whatsoever” here implies that the prerogative of what to ask for belongs to us not him

His willingness to hear is our confidence in prayer

Remember that I Peter 3:12 teaches that “hiis ears are open” to the prayers of the righteous

In other words, its not our prayers that open his ears but rather it’s because his ears are open that we pray

James 1:5 also teaches that we are to ask of God who gives to ALL liberally and doesn’t find fault

There is no confidence to pray when you are uncertain God will answer

We don’t pray hoping he will hear us . We pray knowing he hears us

His readiness in itself is an invitation to pray

That readiness must be a knowing in our hearts

We take that knowing and act on it in prayer and answers come forth

A picture of a God who is unwilling to hear or answer prayer is not consistent with the image of our father

Ask today because he makes resources available and he is willing to answer even before you pray

Enjoy diverse provisions this week


Culled from our current weekly teaching series: “Receiving from God”

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