We are victorious!
Let no one beguile you of consistent犀利士
victories which are yours in christ with wrong theological submissions
Trials are not a design of God to perfect our faith
They are a tool of the enemy to destroy it
Standing and acting on the word of God in the midst of trials is what matures us not the trials
That God works good out of a bad situation is not the same as him commissioning it
That would be the same as admitting that trials and afflictions are his errand boys to carry out his plans
Yes it is written :
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous…’ Psalm 34:19a
Yet this is not a scripture we quote to go believing for afflictions
See the conclusion of that verse
“..but the lord delivereth him out of them all” Psalm 34:19b
Glory to God
It is given as God’s eternal assurance of perpetual victory in the midst of it all
It is victory given and made readily available before afflictions ever arise
Making statements like ” we dont know what God is using the situation for..” when facing challenges will disarm your faith
Settle it in your heart today
Evil under any guise can never be associated with he whom we call father
He is the one who aids us against the enemy at all times
We rejoice in this truth and are victorious still
Happy new week!
Adebayo Titilayo
January 9, 2023 10:15 amGlory to Jesus! We have a good good Father! He is always good. There is no variableness in him neither shadow of turning.
January 9, 2023 12:14 pmWe are victorious always
Omisakin Amos
January 11, 2023 7:04 pmHalleluyah